Is it a cheap publicity stunt?
Okay, so it could just be me, but I remember 'round about the time MS was getting ready to launch Vista, a flurry of press releases and interviews in popular trade publications like PC Gamer and, naturally, Games for Windows touted this new initiative that Microsoft planned to seriously hawk the PC as a gaming platform. There would be huge in-store displays at your favorite game retailer with demo kiosks, banners, and other niceties comparable to the floor space given to consoles. Vista has been out for about eight months now, and, if anything, the space dedicated to PC games in my local EBgames and Gamestop stores has actually decreased. A lot. In most of them, PC software has been shunted to one or two tiny shelving units in the rear of the store. I suppose by 2008, we PC gamers will have to go through a little doorway in a dimly-lit corner of the store, like the pornography browsers at the local newsstand. Personally, I'm pretty disappointed and mildly surprised by this shoddy treatment of PC gamers by Microsoft (although I'm not remotely surprised by EBgames and Gamestop giving us the shaft).