I was in GameStop the other day and I saw a retail copy of the new Neverwinter Nights 2 expansion, Storm of Zehir. It apparently comes in a DVD case. When I got my copy of the Premier Edition of Red Alert 3, it came in a package slightly larger than a standard DVD case made of metal. Publishers: what gives?!?!
I have a copy of the Collector's Edition of Neverwinter Nights at home and it's easily the largest thing on the bookcase it sits on. Ditto for my Age of Empires III CE, my Age of Mythology CE, and my WarCraft III CE. I also have some older titles like StarSiege that come in oversized boxes with actual honest-to-god books in them. These days even CEs for titles come in tiny boxes (see RA3) unless they're MMOs. If I spend an extra $10-30 on a Collector's Edition, I want a big, fat box that dares me to find enough space in my house to put it in and I want it full of cool-ass swag like soundtrack CDs, making of DVDs, large-format art books, shirts, mousepads, z-board keysets, home movies of the dev's cats, novels, et cetera. Don't give me a crappy in-game halo or (even more pointlessly) a hat I can wear if I buy a completely different game and subscribe to it (RA3!!)! Hell, if your game impresses me enough, I'll be your marketing bitch--give me a real-world hat emblazoned with an RA3 logo--I actually would wear that. I just got in the Marine Mania expansion for Zoo Tycoon 2 from Gogamer, and when I opened it I found a DVD and a 4-sided card with brief descriptions of the new content and some seizure warnings! Hey, Blue Fang, how about an actual manual that explains setting up shows?!
Look at Spore's Galactic Edition; it comes in a slightly larger box with two extra DVDs for $20 extra. Fallout 3 comes in a lunchbox with an extra DVD and a cheap-looking plastic figure and a tiny art book. Don't get me wrong, I'm sufficiently nerdy that I like the idea of a lunchbox, but I can tell that they decided on a lunchbox precisely because of its relatively small dimensions--again, this for an extra $20.
This isn't my first rant on this topic and I'm sorry to say it may not be my last. I hate, hate, hate this trend. I miss my big damn boxes that barely fit on shelves. Soon I'll be nostalgic for the tiny boxes that were barely larger than a mass-market paperback. I realize this isn't an issue for console gamers who are used to getting their games in DVD cases (or things even smaller than that for people who have those handheld doodads like DS and PSP). I miss Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which had actual pocket fluff (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're probably too young for this rant to have any meaning for you!).