my thoughts on whatever I may be thinking about and choosing to share
warreni's Articles In OS Customization
June 18, 2009 by warreni will be offering Rainlendar 2 Pro at a discounted price of $6.95 on Monday, June 22. Also, the site will be selling registrations for WinStep Xtreme for $19.95 on Thursday, June 25. Just wanted to give folks who may not have tried these apps a heads-up!    
November 10, 2008 by warreni
I am getting a new computer soon that is preloaded with Vista Home Premium 64-bit and I remember reading several threads that discussed certain components of ODNT being incompatible with the 64-bit version of Vista. Can someone list the incompatible products for me so I know what to expect? Thanks.  
June 12, 2008 by warreni
. . . does anybody know much about these "xtreme desktops"? Does anyone use them or had any good or bad experiences with them? Are they compatible with Stardock products?
August 3, 2007 by warreni
I apologize for the noob question, but my WindowBlinds tray icon disappeared some time ago, and I'd like to get it back. Is there a setting in WB with which I'm not familiar that enables/disables this icon? Thanks.
June 14, 2007 by warreni
I got my latest issue of Computer Shopper yesterday, and it includes a pretty glowing review of WinStep Xtreme 7.4. I thought users of WinStep software might be interested in this.