will be offering Rainlendar 2 Pro at a discounted price of $6.95 on Monday, June 22. Also, the site will be selling registrations for WinStep Xtreme for $19.95 on Thursday, June 25. Just wanted to give folks who may not have tried these apps a heads-up!
I am getting a new computer soon that is preloaded with Vista Home Premium 64-bit and I remember reading several threads that discussed certain components of ODNT being incompatible with the 64-bit version of Vista. Can someone list the incompatible products for me so I know what to expect? Thanks.
. . . does anybody know much about these "xtreme desktops"? Does anyone use them or had any good or bad experiences with them? Are they compatible with Stardock products?
I apologize for the noob question, but my WindowBlinds tray icon disappeared some time ago, and I'd like to get it back. Is there a setting in WB with which I'm not familiar that enables/disables this icon? Thanks.
I got my latest issue of Computer Shopper yesterday, and it includes a pretty glowing review of WinStep Xtreme 7.4. I thought users of WinStep software might be interested in this.